Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gardner's Job

Gardner has worked for CGI since February 1997.  This is the only job he has had since graduating from College.  We lived in Colorado, Wisconsin and even Germany while he has worked for them.

Since I moved back here to America with the kids in August 2012, Gardner has tried every now and then to find a job somewhere in the area so we could be closer to each other and the kids could see Gardner more often.   Nothing has ever worked out.

I remember distinctively on Hannah's birthday, Gardner called me and I told him I had been thinking about the job situation.  And I told him I felt like he needed to talk to his company again and see if there was anything over here in America yet where he could transfer and stay with the company.  And Gardner's response was, "I did already talk to them, just today".  It is amazing how we both think of the same things at times without even talking to each other about it.  To me, it is always a sign that it is meant to be.

Anyway, they mentioned they might have job opportunities in Hawaii or Colorado.  I loved hearing Hawaii and remember saying, "I would come and visit you in Hawaii.  But I know Colorado is better for our family".  And the reason Colorado would of been better, is because it is closer and there are more flights more often going there.

Well, he did hear that there were jobs in New Mexico, Arizona and Idaho as well.  He was going to have an interview and he thought it was for New Mexico.  I kept saying, New Mexico was at least closer, but I felt Idaho was better for our family.  Something about Idaho just felt right to me.  After Gardner's interview, he found out it was actually for Idaho, not New Mexico.  I felt so much better about it.

Gardner was supposed to have his next interview with someone named Rick.  This Rick, Gardner found out, was a graduate of BYU.  He said, hey, maybe a glimmer of hope.  But then upon further investigating, he found out on Linkedin and also Facebook, that the Rick guy was friends with one of our friends, Stan Hollingshead.  So Gardner sent Stan a message mentioning Rick and the interview.  Stan then sent Rick and email telling him how he used to work with Gardner (as Stan used to work in Wisconsin at CGI as well).  So somethings were starting to stack in our favor.....or so we thought anyway.

Gardner did have his interview with Rick on Friday last week.  Gardner said it sounded positive.  (This would not be the first positive interview.....so I don't get my hopes up).  Gardner did say the job they were thinking of for Gardner he and Rick decided was not really a good fit for Gardner as he did not have all the experience for such a huge project.  But Rick said he would try to help him get a position somewhere over here and help him get back with his family.

So Gardner got an email from the HR person over the area and said she was working on things on her side...for example a contract.  So Gardner thought it was 90% sure that the deal would be going through.  Only to find out, they still are not sure and probably won't know until sometime Mid to late May.

So it is a continual waiting process.  Gardner has a flight already to come home for a visit on June 2nd.  We are having a mini family vacation to Park City.  My parents have a condo up there and we are going to invade it.  :)  And then Gardner's family all comes out and we are going to Midway for a Wheeler Family Reunion.  And, Emma will be getting baptized.  So I hope by that time, when he comes on June 2nd, there is a return ticket to Germany that he won't use. 

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